Dear {{first_name}},
Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! It’s that time of year again when our new membership year launches. Thank you in advance for your support of the BDJ community. As you know, BDJ has a robust agenda that includes many programs within our community and those that extend beyond. With an ambitious mission, it will require all of us working together to make it happen. To that end, the board did pass an increase to our annual membership dues on June 12th. It has been six years since we last raised dues and as you all know and see from your daily lives, costs have certainly increased during that time. When you click on the button below, you will see a chart of our new dues. But as always, your ability to pay is in no way a barrier to being a member - we will have an option to pay a reduced fee if you need to do so.
In addition to our regular membership dues, you also have the option to join at our trustee circle level membership. The trustee circle offers members the opportunity to join at a higher level and includes full membership benefits, tickets to our annual banquet, pledges to our four annual holiday appeals, and automatic enrollment for mishloach manot. The trustee circle begins with our Chaver David level at $6,000 and has different tiers up to $50,000. If you would like more information about our trustee circle, please contact Adynna at The “true” cost of being a BDJ member is $6,025 per household. Whether your join at one of our general membership levels or at the trustee circle level, we thank you in advance for doing your part to support the BDJ community. Please submit your membership forms no later than August 15, 2023. The link below is a unique link for your household - please do not forward it. If you know of someone new who wants to join as a member or if you have any questions about membership, please email Talia at