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Kiddush and Seudah Shlishit Sponsorships

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring!  To view Main Kiddush and Seudah Shlishit options, please click here.  For other sponsorships, please use the links below.

Please enter your sponsorship amount in the corresponding field:
Shabbat Morning Sponsorships
L'Chaim Sponsorship
Click here to sponsor
Teen Minyan Kiddush
Click here to sponsor
Young Professionals Minyan Kiddush
Click here to sponsor

Shabbat Afternoon Sponsorships
Minimum: $180
Extra Food Option: $360

Additional Information
If left blank, sponsorship will be listed in the upcoming Shabbat bulletin.
Thank you in advance for your sponsorship!  Depending on the amount of funds received in a given week, we may allocate some funds donated to the general pool if we receive too many donations for a specific item.  We appreciate your support!
Sat, December 14 2024 13 Kislev 5785