Hello BDJ Chevra! It has been way too long since we have seen and spoken to each other. I hope that you and your family near and far are doing well and, more importantly, staying healthy. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you, as BDJ treasurer, for your continuous support of our community both spiritually and economically. Your support makes the difference and helps BDJ stay ‘open.’ B’nai David-Judea might appear to be closed but it is running, and it is running at a fuller capacity than before. It is the diligent and committed work of all BDJ staff that makes this possible. About 60% of BDJ’s expenses are dedicated to pay staff salaries. It is your membership dollars that make their work possible. Even though our building is closed, everyone is still working hard at B’nai David-Judea. The clergy work tirelessly to develop and deliver innovative and traditional spiritual and learning activities. More importantly, Rav Yosef and Rabbanit Alissa continue supporting each of us in our spiritual and emotional needs in these challenging and unusual times. Our Executive Director Adynna is in her ‘e-office’ 24/6 and she is working above and beyond to help us transform the physical shul we all know into a new digital and physical space where we can daven and celebrate together, whether at a daily minyan, on Shabbat, or the Yamim Noraim. At the same time, she is constantly working to get our building ready and safe for the moment we are allowed to return. BDJ’s Rechov Yeladim leadership and counselors, custodians, and office stuff are also working, albeit at a different intensity, to engage BDJ children, maintain and prepare our building, and keep our beloved community organized and connected. I am sure that you feel, as I do, proud of being part of B’nai David-Judea and are happy to contribute to the present and future of our community. Wishing you well as you prepare for the upcoming year.
Andres Terech, Treasurer |