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Visit with Assemblymember Isaac Bryan

Saturday, February 8, 2025 10 Shevat 5785

11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

Please join us after Shabbat davening to hear from Assemblyman Isaac Bryan. This is his fourth visit to BDJ since his election and that our shul has the distinction of being the first synagogue the assemblymember has ever visited. 

Assemblymember Bryan represents California's 55th Assembly District, which includes Pico-Robertson, Culver City, Mid-Wilshire, and other parts of the Westside and South Los Angeles. In the Assembly, Isaac serves as Chair of the Committee on Natural Resources. 

Prior to his election to the Assembly, Isaac led a ballot measure that brought millions of dollars a year to address racial injustice and strengthen communities in Los Angeles and. He served as the founding Director of the UCLA Black Policy Project – a think tank dedicated to advancing racial equity through rigorous policy analysis. 

Registration is required for extended care. Registration closes on Friday, February 7 at noon.

All extended care registrants will be brought down at the end of the shiur.

Please list the names of your children in the notes section.

Sorry, Registration has ended.

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Wed, February 19 2025 21 Shevat 5785